2010年1月26日 星期二

Nannocharax signifer - 貝寧產非洲跳鱸脂鯉(二列齒琴脂鯉科)之新種

文獻來源: Moritz T. 2010. Nannocharax signifer, a new species of fish (Characiformes: Distichodontidae) from the Ouémé River basin, Benin. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters 20(4): 289-294.

Nannocharax signifer, new species, is described from the Ouémé River basin in Benin. It is distinguished from all other Nannocharax species in West Africa by its red-orange colouration on the anterior half of the dorsal fin. Besides live colouration, the new species is diagnosed by a combination of colour pattern and scale counts.