2009年9月4日 星期五

黃頭側頸龜(忍者龜)的族群遺傳結構顯示奧里諾科與亞馬遜流域的族群在遺傳上具有因距離而造成的顯著差異, 而邊緣族群可能需要不一樣的保育措施

文獻來源: Escalona T, Engstrom TN, Hernandez OE, Bock BC, Vogt RC, Valenzuela N. 2009. Population genetics of the endangered South American freshwater turtle, Podocnemis unifilis, inferred from microsatellite DNA data. Conservation Genetics DOI: 10.1007/s10592-008-9746-3

We studied the population genetics of Podocnemis unifilis turtles within and among basins in the Orinoco and Amazon drainages using microsatellites. We detected high levels of genetic diversity in all sampled localities. However, ‘M-ratio’ tests revealed a substantial recent population decline in ten localities, in accord with current widespread exploitation. Our results reveal a consistent pattern across multiple analyses, showing a clear subdivision between the populations inhabiting the Amazon and Orinoco drainages despite a direct connection via the Casiquiare corridor, and suggesting the existence of two biogeographically independent and widely divergent lineages. Genetic differentiation followed an isolation-by-distance model concordant with hypotheses about migration. It appears that migration occurs via the flooded forest in some drainages, and via river channels in those where geographic barriers preclude dispersal between basins or even among nearby tributaries of the same basin. These observations caution against making generalizations based on geographically restricted data, and indicate that geographically proximate populations may be demographically separate units requiring independent management.

圖片連結: www.club100.net (photo credit: Tommy Sandberg)